The Unicorn Talent Recruiting System

A collection of recruiting & HR tools, processes & reports used across FAANG, VC and Fortune500 available FREE & supported by our Slack community of Talent Leaders


Data-focused management

Recruiting team efficiency stems from consistency. Aligning the entire company around key recruiting inputs eliminates process friction and reduces the cultural risk stemming from hiring


Repeatable execution

Standardized communication templates, and interview processes combined with a high standard for information needed to kick off recruiting improves conversion rates and reduces the number of interviews needed to make a hire


Measurable results

Sales style reporting drives accountability for recruiter performance, funnel performance, and hiring manager performance so recruiting teams can meet the demand.

Recruiting Department Assessment Tool

300+ questions to help assess the capability of your recruiting department to sustainably meet business demand, while creating an equitable culture and managing results through a data centric recruiting process

Recruiting Department Assessment Tool

Recruiting Capacity vs Demand Snapshot

Capacity & demand based headcount planning aligns the recruiting team’s capacity to fill roles against the requested demand providing data driven insights on team sizing, resource needs, and managing hiring manager priority and timing.

Recruiting Pitch

Candidates take jobs for 2 reasons. The job is better for them today, or it’s better for their future. Consistency in answering these questions improves application volume, funnel throughput, and offer accept rates

Intake Sessions & Interview Rubrics

Interview rubrics determine what hiring teams need before the interview process kicks off, creating an DE&I friendly hiring environment, while helping reduce the total amount of hours invested per hire.

Compensation & Leveling Framework

Competency based job leveling with an associated compensation framework reduces the impact of compensation and title variance during the hiring process

Job Description Template

Good job descriptions incorporate the recruiting pitch into a concise overview of the role, while the job overview concisely states daily tasks & expectations

Equity Offer Calculator

Making offers with equity is complex. Candidates need an objective comparison of the financial value of your offer vs the competition. Unicorn Talent’s Equity Offer Calculator helps recruiters deliver easy to understand offers so candidates understand what to expect.

Talent Leader Interview Rubric

Hire your next talent leader using our competency based framework. Become a member and gain access to our scorecard matrix to help make a decision